Sunday, October 20, 2013

Now This is Awesome

Eight of Cups
Quoted from the post "A Beginning":

Welcome one and all to a year long experiment I am attempting for 2010. I decided that for the entire year, I will be celebrating as many of the major religious holidays for as many major religions as I possibly can.
A bit of background is in order to explain this. You see, i am by nature not a religious person. I was once Christian, in the sense that I occasionally went to church (Episcopal, if you care to know) and believed in God. When I hit my teen years, I began to question my beliefs (as many teenagers do). I just never really came back to a belief in God. For a long time, I considered myself an atheist, but as I have grown older this has shifted more to agnostic. In recent years this shift in belief has once more eased up to become a belief in some higher power, but not in any single religious faith.
Despite this lack of "faith," I have had a deep fascination of religion for a long time. I have done a little bit of comparing of different faiths. Nothing deeper than a surface glance. Along the lines of a Complete Idiot's Guide to Religion. A quick glance at everything, without a deeper understanding.

Here's the link to "The Piety Project".

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